Hello Everyone:
Well, I must say that I (along with over a hundred partrons) was pleasantly surprised last weekend (Friday, August 22nd)when Joe Frazier, the former Heavyweight Champion of the World, showed up just to see my show at the Jughandle Inn in Cinnaminson, NJ (or maybe it was for the wings?). Looking better than ever, Joe was escorted by his marketing manager, Les Wolff, and the two came out just to support me for my final show of the summer at the Jug. Joe, Les and I have been in negotiations for quite some time to launch a radically new show concept throughout the country, as well as internationally and with any luck, it will be picked up for this coming season. Check out my performance schedule on my site. If you come out- you never know who you are going to meet! Thank you to all that made my last night of the season at the Jug a success.
-Doreen Taylor